Choices -Bassy Ikpe

Trying to fall asleep 
confronted by the glow of a television 
at 3AM or 4AM or 5AM 
is difficult 
you cannot sleep comfortably here 
but your bedroom is just 
too lonely 
too far away 
too cold 
your heart 
it's beating too fast 
you are covered in a mist 
your own sweat 
and you are afraid 
of what's happening to your body 
to your emotions 
to your common sense 

so this is an open letter 
to the girl that you once were 
the one that loved without 
restrictions and conditions 
the one that was fearless 
without judgment 
the one that loved loudly 
like a thousand steel bands 
and danced with the feverish joy 
of a child just learning to appreciate her body 
her feet 
how they move 
how they feel 
how they carry 
remembering the voice 
your voice 
and how it never fit on the inside 
it existed within the full-throated shout of grown men 
outdoors amongst the trees 
skinned knees 
the freedom of dirt 
and mud 
and rain 

She is 25 now, that girl 
and after a quarter century of living 
and loving 
she has become lonely 
and scared 
harboring secrets 
and sadness 
what happened to 18 
and innocent 
and sober 
and fearless 

But this isn't about that 
or her 
this is about hiding 
this is about choices 
about saying no 
when you mean yes 
this is about saying I'm afraid 
and lonely 
and sorry 
and meaning it 
this is about finally knowing what you want 
and having no idea how to get it 
this is about for once not hiding behind 
and similes 
and smiles 
and reconstructed laughter 
this is about honesty 
and truth 
and falling in love 
and meaning it 
This is about falling 
and love 
and leaving it 
this is about not knowing 
but mostly, this is about choices 
choices too difficult to take like 
leaving or loving 
choices too difficult to make like 
living or dying 
this is about confusion 
and contradiction 
a vegetarian who hates vegetables 
a size 2 who always tries on a size 8 
just in case something has changed 
this is about changes 
honoring them 
trusting them 
recognizing them 
and fearing them 
this is about never letting go 
so this is about letting go 
this is about looking him in the face 
saying I will fight for you 
protect you 
I swear to God 
This is about wanting someone to fight for you 
protect you 
swear to their God 
This is about knowing that he won't 
and still finding the strength to leave 
so this is about fatigue 
and being tired of being there 
when no one seems to be there for you 
this is about knowing who is 
who will leave you alone 
who will beg you to stay 
and those who know the difference 

This is about truth 
the ones you keep hidden about yourself 
from yourself 
this is about the mess you've made of a life 
you haven't even really started to own yet 
this is about the friends you can't share the scary parts with 
so maybe, this is about secrets 
about the pills hidden in your underwear drawer 
about 4 hours in the gym 
about 2 weeks of only water and powers 
so this is about shame 
about finally admitting that things aren't okay 
this is about the fear lodged in the pit of your belly 
the fear that gives you 
the fear rising with the lump in your throat 
this is about crying in public 
and hiding the tears 
this is about wanting to jump 
and your fear of heights 
this is about your need to soar 
and the ropes that keep you grounded 
and expectations 
and disappointments 
this is about the sadness behind your mother's eyes 
the worry in your father's voice 
this is about walking away 
and not looking back 
this is about looking back 
and facing the mirror 
this is about being naked 
with your truths 
with your family 
with your friends 
with your lovers 
this is about saying 
now that you know the truth 
will you please just love me anyway? 

this is about safety 
about reaching out begging to be heard 
it's about voices 
and words 
that no longer comfort 
this is about humility 
and admitting that you need help 
and sleep 
and permission to cry 
despite the strength you are often accused of 
this is about the walls that you've built 
to trap 
and protect 
this is about those brave enough to scale those walls 
those that battle for you 
against you 
to knock them down 

this is about relinquishing control 
it's about taking a breath 
stepping back 

It's about 3AM, 4AM, 5AM, 
6AM, 7AM, 8AM, 9AM 
still no sleep 
the glow of a television 
bathed in sweat 
the mystery of silence 
the need for noise 
the quiet that confines you 
and the chaos 
that will always 
keep you 

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