I'd do anything for you, I'd stand out in the rain

Anything you want me to do, don't let it slip away

There's a quiet storm and it never felt like this before

There's a quiet storm, I think it's you

There's a quiet storm and I never felt this hot before

It's givin me somethin that's taboo

~ The Sweetest Taboo, Sade

A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing .. A man's loyalty is tested when he has everything!

He holds on to the moments they spend together.  He watches her open up and then shut down.  Her inconsistency makes him want her even more.  Something about her attention makes him feel super human, so he savors whatever she is willing to give.  Deep down, he knows that she will never be his.  So for as long as he can, he has decided to be where she needs him to be.  It’s just a duty to her that he can't explain.

Motherhood is a task that at times does not seem equal to the super powers that I possess. It is a blessing, an honor, a cherished responsibility, a wondrous experience - but it can be overwhelming, challenging, and downright bone-wearying tired. It demands everything every second of the day. There are times when I feel like I've run out of anything to give. but in those moments God gently reassures me that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them to infinity and beyond. He will strengthen me and guide me as I raise my children in the knowledge of Him.

It seems like my birthday will be spent sending up prayers of thanks, eating lots of cake, reflecting, planning and preparing for good things to come for the New Year
Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to you. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take, for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you. Amen.