That one person that doesn't like me

Sometimes something crappy happens between you and another person that leaves you feeling like ….crap…. When that happens to me (which is hardly ever) but when it does happen to me it makes me unspeakably sad and shaken to the core that this person now has a very low opinion of me.

Sometimes you can say sorry in a million different ways to infinity and that person will still not offer you forgiveness, so all you're left with is a void or a black hole.

Le sigh, at the end of the day whatever misunderstanding happened between you and that person you need to forgive yourself  and move the eff on, simmering in this boosheet stew is going to drive you crazy. To use a cliche that is so true and on the money “what other people think of you is none of your business”

*Of course, someone not liking you does not automatically mean that they suck. Although isn't it nice to think so?*

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