I pick up pieces of me - piece by piece part by part. Tomorrow a new day will unfold, Tomorrow - I will play a new part.
I once knew a little boy that used to be so happy, prayed everyday, believed in himself and no problems. I once knew a little boy (that I don’t know anymore) he’s clothed in pain, drowned in tears and heartbreak and filled with self pity. Sometimes, I wonder if you ever pause to take a deep breath.
This woman across the aisle from me at the Supermarket aggressively pulls her cart up to the line with two energetic, little boys in the cart. She is mumbling things under her breath and she moves a piece of hair back into her pony tail and throws her purse over her shoulder. I could feel the tension in the air.

She reaches into her cart and tosses down a box of Tampax and some donut holes.

I couldn't help but laugh in my head I so badly wanted to look her in the eyes and say, "this too shall pass," but you never know what could come back in return.  So, I chose to remain silent.   It was borderline sitcom material ... I should know because I've been there before.

I touched my belly overwhelmed

by what I had been chosen to perform

But then an angel came one day

Told me to kneel down and pray

for unto me a man child would be born

Woe this crazy circumstance

~ To Zion, Lauryn Hill

That one person that doesn't like me

Sometimes something crappy happens between you and another person that leaves you feeling like ….crap…. When that happens to me (which is hardly ever) but when it does happen to me it makes me unspeakably sad and shaken to the core that this person now has a very low opinion of me.

Sometimes you can say sorry in a million different ways to infinity and that person will still not offer you forgiveness, so all you're left with is a void or a black hole.

Le sigh, at the end of the day whatever misunderstanding happened between you and that person you need to forgive yourself  and move the eff on, simmering in this boosheet stew is going to drive you crazy. To use a cliche that is so true and on the money “what other people think of you is none of your business”

*Of course, someone not liking you does not automatically mean that they suck. Although isn't it nice to think so?*